Wednesday, May 14, 2014

MMA strength template

Before I write this, I need to say the core philosphy is from Jim Wendler's 5/3/1. If you have never read it I highly recommend buying his book, it's worth his weight in gold. It can be purchased here,

The point of strength training is to make you are better athlete. The main goal is still to be a better fighter so MMA skill training and sparring should always get the lion's share of your time and energy. This template will allow you to get stronger, faster, more conditioned and more injury free while leaving you enough time and energy to put the proper time into MMA training. I have found the 2 days a week lifting works best, making small jumps and skipping the deload week most time, until it is necessary, because you are spent, cutting weight, banged up, or coming close to fight time.

1first time find your max on the squat, bench, deadliest, overhead press (OHP). A simple formula is (weight x reps x.0333) + weight= max. Now multiply that by .90, for you training max, this is the one for your starting point. Example you benched 300 lbs for 5 reps. 300x5x.0333=50. 300+50=350=max. Now take 350x.90=315 as you training max (TM).

Week 1, day 1, cycle 1
set 1: 65% of TM for 5 reps
set 2: 75% of TM for 5 reps
set 3: 85% of TM for 5 reps

assistance work
stiff legged dead lift
3 sets of 5. heavy

Week 2, day 2, cycle 1
set 1: 65% of TM for 5 reps
set 2: 75% of TM for 5 reps
set 3: 85% of TM for 5 reps

Between all bench sets (normal and close grip), do band pull a parts for your upper back and rear deltoids.

assistance work
close grip bench
3 sets of 6, heavy

bent over rows
5 sets of 10

reverse curls
5 sets of 10

Week 2, day 1, cycle 1
set 1: 65% of TM for 5 reps
set 2: 75% of TM for 5 reps
set 3: 85% of TM for 5 reps

assistance work
good morning
1 set of 10, light
3 sets of 5, moderate

On the deadlift, wear straps, elbows and bicep tendons take a pounding from fighting. No need to add extra stress to that.

Week 2, day 2, cycle 1
set 1: 65% of TM for 5 reps
set 2: 75% of TM for 5 reps
set 3: 85% of TM for 5 reps

assistance work
pull ups: 3 sets of 10
dips: 3 sets of 15
side raises: 3 sets

week 3, day 1, cycle 1
set 1: 70% of TM for 3 reps
set 2: 80% of TM for 3 reps
set 3: 90% of TM for 3 reps

assistance work
stiff legged deadlift: 3 sets of 8, moderate weight

week 3, day 2, cycle 1
set 1: 70% of TM for 3 reps
set 2: 80% of TM for 3 reps
set 3: 90% of TM for 3 reps
band pull a parts between all sets

assistance work
close grip: 3 sets of 8, moderate
bent over rows: 5 sets of 10
reverse curls:  sets of 10

week 4, day 1, cycle 1
set 1: 70% of TM for 3 reps
set 2: 80% of TM for 3 reps
set 3: 90% of TM for 3 reps

assistance work
good mornings
1 set of 10, light
3 sets of 5, moderate

week 4, day 2, cycle 1
set 1: 70% of TM for 3 reps
set 2: 80% of TM for 3 reps
set 3: 90% of TM for 3 reps

assistance work
pull ups, 3 sets of 10
dips, 3 sets of 15
side raises 3 sets of 8, moderate

week 5, day 1, cycle 1
set 1: 75% of TM for 5 reps
set 2: 85% of TM for 3 reps
set 3: 95% of TM for 1+ reps

assistance work
stiff legged deadlift
3 sets of 10, light

week 5, day 2, cycle 1
set 1: 75% of TM for 5 reps
set 2: 85% of TM for 3 reps
set 3: 95% of TM for 1+ reps

assistance work
close grip bench: 3 sets of 10, light
bent over rows: 5 sets of 10
reverse curls:  sets of 10

week 6, day 1, cycle 1
set 1: 75% of TM for 5 reps
set 2: 85% of TM for 3 reps
set 3: 95% of TM for 1+ reps

assistance work
good mornings
1 set of  10, light
3 sets of 5, moderate

week 6, day 2, cycle 1
set 1: 75% of TM for 5 reps
set 2: 85% of TM for 3 reps
set 3: 95% of TM for 1+ reps

assistance work
pull ups: 3 sets of 10
dips: 3 sets of 15
side raises: 3 sets of 5, heavy

Now for the second cycle, add 5 pounds to your TM, and do it all again. The big difference form this template and the normal 5/3/1 template is only the 1+ rep set is pushed for more reps, in the normal 5/3/1 all of the last sets are pushed. I feel pushing all sets if too much to recover from, especially the low back. Which is under lots of stress from shooting double legs and throwing kicks. So less volume will allow the low back time to recover and allow you to keep training hard. Volume is also kept low to keep from gaining to much weight which will bump you up to another weight class.

"Be stronger, be smarter, be better"

1 comment:

  1. Thanks. Will be trying this. Volume on starting strength is too much for my bjj.
